So much great stuff in August for you! "Daydreaming" is a favorite Radiohead song of mine. I've always considered "The Green Ray" to be my favorite Rohmer. I'm really glad you like it, too. It's interesting you relate to the character but also want to shake her! Maybe sometimes we see unsettling things about ourselves in characters. How is your reading coming along in September? I've done very little reading myself.

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My favorite Rohmer is still A Summer's Tale, even though I really liked The Green Ray.

Yeah, I got frustrated with her the same way I get frustrated with myself lol.

I finished A Month in the Country, which I really liked, and I'm now reading Indelicacy by Amina Cain and liking it so far. What are your current reads?

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I am supposed to be reading "Rhine Journey" by Ann Schlee and some other spinster books, but I have made no progress. I think I am really going to make an intention to read more in the coming days and weeks. I just need to focus and prioritize it.

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